8/5/2013 EPA Continues Burn Ban for Yakama Reservation

EPA Continues Burn Ban for Yakama Reservation

Gary Olson, 206-553-0977, olson.gary@epa.gov
Keith Rose, 206-553-1949, rose.keith@epa.gov,

(Seattle, Wash. – August 5, 2013)  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 10 will continue a burn ban on all outdoor burning on the Yakama Reservation through Wednesday, August 7th at 12 PM due to the impact of smoke from wildfires.  This smoke has caused monitor readings to be elevated above levels normally expected for this time of year.   Weather patterns and expectations for control of these wild fires would indicate that conditions for levels to reach unhealthy for sensitive people continues to exist.  Therefore this burn ban will be in place through till Wednesday, August 7th when the situation will be re-evaluated.


For further information on wildfires in Washington State,  you can visit the Washington Smoke Blog at http://wasmoke.blogspot.com/


The burn ban applies to all outdoor and agricultural burning, including camping and recreational fires within reservation boundaries.   Ceremonial and traditional fires are exempt from the outdoor burn ban.

EPA also requests that reservation residents reduce all sources of air pollution, including excess driving and idling of vehicles, and the use of woodstoves and fireplaces, unless it is your only source of heat.

Air pollution can have significant health impacts.  Cooperation from the community will help people who are at risk during this period.  Those most at risk are children, the elderly, pregnant women and those with difficulty breathing and with heart and lung problems.  Those at risk should avoid outdoor exercise and minimize exposure to outdoor pollution as much as possible.

Please call 1-800-424-4EPA and ask for the FARR Hotline or visit the Federal Air Rules for Reservations (FARR) website for the current burn status at www.epa.gov/r10earth/FARR.htm




Gary Olson

EPA R-10

Suite 900 ,AWT-107

1200 6th AVE

Seattle, WA 98101
